While loops as the name implies loop while the condition is true.

//like the for loop, no semi-colon to end the code block

let i = 0;
//set the value outside the while loop code block

while(i < 5){//set the condition
 //do something
 console.log('loop: ', i);
  i++;//final expression - without this the loop would be infinite
//loop: 0
//loop: 1
//loop: 2
//loop: 3
//loop: 4

//most of the time you won't know the number of items in your source, ie. when accessing a database, so we find the total with .length

const names = ['peter', 'fred', 'john', 'mel', 'frank', 'martin'];

//it dosen't have to be i
let a = 0;
while(a < names.length){

//in this example i-- is i - 1
i = 8;
while(i > 5){
console.log('loop: ', i);
//loop: 8
//loop: 7
//loop: 6