If we want to check for two or more conditions we can use the logical operators AND && and OR ||. The Logical NOT(!) switches the boolean value.

//checking two or more conditions

//using logical operator OR || and AND &&
const password = 'p@ss12';

//AND && both conditions must be true
if(password.length >= 12 && password.includes('@')){

console.log('that password is mighty strong');

//OR || one set of conditions must be true
//password must be 8 or more characters OR contain character @ AND contain 5 or more characters

} else if(password.length >= 8 || password.includes('@') && password.length > 5){

//password satisfies the two conditions on the right side of the || it contains @ and contains more than 5 characters
console.log('that password is strong enough');

} else {

console.log('that password is not strong enough');
//answer: that password is strong enough

//The Logical NOT(!) switches the boolean value

const user = false;

 //do something
 console.log('you must be logged in to continue');
//answer: you must be logged in to continue

//answer: false

//answer: true