A function is a block of code that is defined once but can be used multiple times.
//function declaration
function greet(){
console.log('hello there');
}//no semi-colon
//these functions are hoisted to the top of the page so can be invoked before the function is read
//invoke (call) the function
//answer: hello there
//function expression
const speak = function(){
console.log('good day!');
};//notice semi-colon
//these functions are NOT hoisted to the top of the page and will cause an error if invoked before being declared
//answer: good day!
//arguments & parameters
//name and time are local values scoped to this function
const spoke = function(name, time) {
console.log(`good ${time}, ${name}!`);
//answer: good undefined undefined!
//there are no default parameters set and no arguments
//arguments should be set in the correct order to match function parameters, if not:
spoke('night', 'peter');
//answer: good peter, night!
//should be:
spoke('peter', 'night');
//answer: good night, peter!
//default parameters
//values are still local to this function
const speaking = function(name = 'peter', time = 'night'){
console.log(`good ${time}, ${name}!`);
//uses default parameters
//answer: good night, peter!
//set new arguments to over-ride defaults
//aguments must be in the same order as the function parameters
speaking('john', 'morning');
//answer: good morning, john!
//uses default time parameter
//answer: good night, fred!
//return values
//the area value is stored local
const calcArea = function(radius){
let area = 3.14 * radius**2;
return area;
//store the return value in a variable so it can be used whenever
const area = calcArea(5);
console.log('area is:', area);
//answer: 78.5
//3.14 x 5 x 5
//remove the local value and return directly
const calcArea2 = function(radius){
return 3.14 * radius**2;
const area2 = calcArea2(5);
console.log('area is:', area2);
//answer: 78.5
const sum = function(a,b,c) {
return a + b * c;
const sums = sum(2,3,4);
//answer: 14
//how: B I D M A S: 3 x 4 + 2 - see numbers