Strings are used for storing letters, numbers or other characters including spaces.

//you can use single or double quotes
//mix and match the quotes as long as the inside doesn't match the outside
let okay = "it's alright";
let him = "they call him 'Fred'";
let me = 'they call me "Fred"';

console.log(okay, him, me)
//result: it's alright they call him 'Fred' they call me "Fred"

//string concatenation (join together)
let firstName = 'Michael';
let lastName = 'Cain';
let fullName = firstName + ' ' + lastName;
//fullName = firstName space lastName

//result: Michael Cain

console.log('My name is ' + fullName);
//result: My name is Michael Cain

//getting individual characters
//fullName = Michael Cain
//result: c
//javascript starts counting from 0 ie. M=0, i=1, c=2

//fullName = Michael Cain
//result: C
//spaces are included in the count

//string length
//fullName = Michael Cain
//result: 12
//counting starts at 1 and includes spaces